6 Ways to Tackle BFRBs Outside Your Home
Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) can often make us feel like we have no control over our behaviors and that we’re at the mercy of an endless cycle. We pick at our skin, pull out our hair, pick our nails, etc. We tell ourselves we won’t pick or pull again and then end up falling… Read More
Telehealth: We love it and you will too
Therapy can greatly help people, but it is a lot of hard work; telehealth can take some of that stress away and make it an easier process for all. Because therapy can be so challenging, we want to minimize the time required to make therapy work for you. This means that you will have more… Read More
Sleep? Who has time for that?
The average human spends about one third of their life either trying to sleep or actually sleeping. By age 80, you will have spent about 26 years in bed. As humans we spend a lot of time sleeping. But, we still don’t fully understand why we need sleep in the first place. What we do… Read More
Cognitive Distortion Series – General Negativity
The next group of cognitive distortions we’ll review are the faulty thoughts that have a negative foundation. Similar to my last post, we’ll list the distortion, then identify a few ways on how to attack those negative thoughts. Labeling Labeling is simply the act of describing ourself or someone else negatively. For example, we might… Read More
Cognitive Distortions Series – Predictions
My last post discussed the overview of this cognitive distortions series. For this group of distortions, we focus on faulty thoughts that revolve around making predictions or assumptions. First, we’ll review the few distortions and then discuss ways to identify and challenge them at the end. Mind Reading The first distortion in this series is… Read More
Cognitive Distortions Got You Down?
Cognitive distortions are thoughts that are not factually based. They commonly occur in my daily life. Is this because I’m a psychologist that focuses on cognitions and thought processes? Maybe, but these distortions are also in my own thoughts and the thoughts of people in my personal life. All that to say that cognitive distortions… Read More